Second Quarter Operation Round-Up Grants
Almost $6,000 in McDonough Power Cooperative Operation Round-Up grants were recently awarded to area organizations. CASA of West Central Illinois received $1,500, which will assist the agency with the costs associated with providing advocacy for Knox, Warren, and Henderson counties abused and neglected children. The YMCA of McDonough County accepted $2,219 towards the purchase of new swim lane lines for their pool. Blandinsville-Hire Fire/Rescue Protection Department was awarded $2,000 towards the purchase of a Lucas Chest Compression System. The system will assist the squad in administering chest compressions in the event they are short on personnel.
The Operation Round-Up program is funded by members of McDonough Power Cooperative who have their bills rounded up to the nearest dollar. The extra pennies are used to support community betterment projects. Since the initial round of funding in January 2016, the program has donated $41,862.45 to local organizations. The next deadline to apply for an Operation Round-Up grant is October 2, 2017. For more details, visit or contact Kelly Hamm at (309) 833-2101.

Blandinsville-Hire fire/rescue squad accepts Operation Round-Up grant, which will go towards the purchase of a Lucas Chest Compression System.