Operation Round-Up Gives Over $14,000

Operation Round-Up trustees met in January to review quarterly grant applications. Six organizations received funding; totaling $14,125.35. To date, Operation Round-Up has provided $103,375 in funding thanks to our generous members who allow their bills to be rounded up each month.

MacArthur Early Childhood Center in Macomb received $2,125.35 towards the purchase of a Bubble Wall for their Sensory Room. Their Sensory Room will have stations for active areas, calming areas, and various types of sensory activities – great for children with special needs as well as students experiencing emotional or behavioral difficulties.

Genesis Garden in Macomb was approved to receive $1,500 towards their Kids Cook Summer Meals Project. Genesis Garden’s mission is to share food, provide shelter and empower community. The grant will help incorporate 25 community children into the prep, cooking, serving and cleanup of their daily summer meals.

Christ’s Church in Colchester was granted $1,000 towards the repair of their front entrance roofing, which is in desperate need of attention. Their project will help keep the building in usable condition and serve as a place of gathering for many community residents.

Bushnell-Prairie City High School will benefit from a $3,000 grant towards their RealCare Baby Project. The funds will allow the school to replace three real-life baby simulators utilized in the Home Economics Adult Living class. The babies will help prepare students to raise their own children when they are ready as well as help them identify when that time may be.

Immaculate Conception School in Monmouth will receive $4,000 for their STEM Lab. STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines – science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Funds will be utilized to purchase resources for the creation of a STEM lab.

Roseville Community Center, Inc. will receive $2,500 towards flooring in their office, the Boy Scout and Girl Scout rooms as well as the YMCA Program Center. The RCC board strives to maintain and upgrade the facility, which benefits residents in Warren county.