McDonough Power Operation Round-Up Donates $4,350 to Local Organizations
The McDonough Power Cooperative Operation Round-Up (ORU) Trustees recently awarded $4,350 to three local charities through its Operation Round-Up Program. The charitable organizations that received funding include the McDonough District Hospital Foundation – $2,000 towards a nursery bassinette in the Dolores Kator Switzer Women’s Center; Macomb Project H.O.P.E., Inc. NFP – $500 to stock their food pantry; and Bushnell Fire Protection District will receive up to $1,850 for the purchase of two handheld radios.
“We’re pleased to be one of the first recipients of the Round-Up program and we appreciate McDonough Power’s support of the Women’s Center,” said MDH President/CEO Kenny Boyd. “The Women’s Center will provide a new nursery, modernized private OB/GYN suites, state-of-the-art labor/deliver/recovery rooms, and an imaging center for the women in our community.
“The need in our area continues to grow and we’re fortunate to receive the grant funding for our food pantry,” said pantry coordinator Lois Stenger. “The food pantry at Macomb Project H.O.P.E. requires recipients to volunteer a minimum of two hours each month that they wish to receive food or supplies. The program is designed to promote a sense of self-worth as well as service to the community.”
These life-changing charitable programs are made possible by the generous members of McDonough Power Cooperative who voluntarily make the decision each month to “Round-Up” their electric bill up to the next highest dollar; and donating the “extra change” directly to the Operation Round-Up program. One hundred percent (100%) of these funds are then donated back into the community as charitable grants. The average donation a member makes annually is about $6… mere pennies per month.

Pictured (l-r): Matt Housewright, ORU Trustee; Rose Marie Lynn, H.O.P.E. Board Member; Lois Stenger, H.O.P.E. Board Member; Rhonda Brown, H.O.P.E. Board Member; Linda Prox, ORU Trustee; Dan Brown, H.O.P.E. employee; Cindy Gumbart, H.O.P.E. Head Cashier; Jim Gumbart, H.O.P.E. Board Member; and Kelly Hamm McDonough Power Energy Services Manager.
For more information about the Operation Round Up program visit the Community tab at

Pictured are (l-r): Mike Smith, McDonough Power President/CEO; Matt Housewright, ORU Trustee; Kelly Hamm, McDonough Power Energy Services Manager; Richard Filipink ORU Trustee; Kenny Boyd, MDH President/CEO; and Jill Cook, MDH Foundation Assistant.