2024 Annual Meeting

Recap of 2024 Annual Meeting…

McDonough Power holds 2024 Annual Meeting of Members

MACOMB – McDonough Power Cooperative hosted its members Wednesday, Aug. 7 at The Crossing in Macomb for the co-op’s 2024 Annual Meeting of Members, themed “Powerful Past — Future Focused.” Cooperative members enjoyed pork chops and hot dogs grilled by the Macomb Bomber Boosters and served by the Scotland Clever Clovers 4-H Club, as well as a live performance by the Troublesome Ridge Bluegrass Band. All registered members received a gift and a $10 bill credit.

Board Chairman Walt Lewis opened the meeting by thanking attendees for their participation and proceeded with a moment of reflection led by Mike Smith and Boy Scout Troop #315, who presented the colors and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Steve Hall, Secretary of the Board, read the Official Notice of the Meeting, which included the minutes from the 2023 Annual Meeting. The minutes were approved without opposition. Treasurer Mike Cox presented the Treasurer’s Report, highlighting a clean audit of 2023 and the cooperative’s financial health. The report was approved by the membership.

Lisa Hood, Nominating Committee Chair, then reported to audience members that the Nominating Committee met June 5 to nominate candidates for election to the board at the Annual Meeting. Those nominees included Jennifer Emerick (District 2), Ryan Litchfield (District 5) and Robert Dwyer (District 8). Also seeking consideration were Brandon Cousins (District 2), Bryson Bedwell (District 2) and Crystal Dobbs (District 5).

Bylaw changes and the election of directors were next on the evening’s agenda, conducted by Attorney John D. McMillan. Bylaw amendments proposed addressed the need for a distinction between cash and non-cash margins regarding the refund of capital credits. The bylaw change was approved by the membership, and Dwyer was reelected for a 3-year term upon unanimous vote while the votes for districts 2 and 5 were tabulated.

Lewis followed with the Chairman’s Report, sharing highlights from the past year, including financial recovery efforts for the 2023 derecho, successful financial audits, and the allocation of margins back to members. He also addressed the evening’s bylaw changes. “The decision you made tonight on the bylaw change … has an impact on the fiscal health of your cooperative,” he said. “Our goal is to make sure that McDonough Power remains financially strong for decades to come.”

Lewis also emphasized the co-op’s commitment to community, through programs like Operation Round-Up and Sharing Success, which have provided significant funding to local initiatives. “Since 2016, we have awarded over $200,000 in grants to nonprofit organizations in the communities we serve,” he said. “This would not have been achievable without the generosity of [our members].” The program is funded by McDonough Power members who round up their monthly bill to the nearest dollar, donating the extra funds to the program.

President Mike Smith then took the stage, welcoming attendees and guests, presenting service awards and announcing scholarship and Youth Tour winners. He also thanked the directors who were stepping down for their many years of service. “I want to extend my appreciation to Jerry Riggins and Steve Lynn for their unwavering support of our employees and the McDonough Power membership,” he said. “It has been an honor working alongside them.”

Smith later addressed House Bill 5021, the “Municipal and Cooperative Electric Utility Planning and Transparency Act.” “This legislation, if enacted, would fundamentally alter our cooperative’s operations, impacting our commitment to reliability, affordability and safety,” he explained. “Notably, it mandates renewable energy portfolio requirements that pose significant challenges given current energy realities. … These changes threaten the cooperative model we’ve proudly upheld for 86 years — one that prioritizes member involvement and transparency.”

Following his report, the results of the contested elections were announced. Bryson Bedwell (District 2) and Ryan Litchfield (District 5) were elected to 3-year terms.

The meeting adjourned following the drawing of prizes, including three grand prizes of $250, for active members of the cooperative.

CLICK HERE: 2024 Annual Meeting Booklet