Right-of-Way Management Activities in McDonough Power Cooperative Service Territory

McDonough Power Cooperative has once again contracted with Spoon River Electric Cooperative (SREC) to perform vegetation management in the following areas beginning in August; continuing through the summer and fall.  The affected areas in our service territory include – Monmouth, Kirkwood, Berwick, Roseville, Blandinsville, Sciota, Good Hope, Macomb, Colchester and Tennessee (see map). This work might include […]

Annual Meeting Booklets are in the Mail

2015 | Annual Meeting | August 27, 2015 You are cordially invited to join us… On behalf of the board of directors of McDonough Power Cooperative, I extend a personal invitation to attend your cooperative’s 78th annual meeting on Thursday, August 27, 2015, at The Crossing church in Macomb.  There will be a short business […]

Youth Tour – Educating and Developing Tomorrow’s Cooperative Leaders

In June McDonough Power sent two students to Washington, D.C. for the 51st Annual Electric Cooperative Youth Tour. Young people who experience Youth Tour have the opportunity to explore our nation’s capital, make lasting friendships, learn a bit about how our government operates and see the impact electric cooperatives have on the legislative process. Youth […]

Allocation Notices Hitting Mailboxes this Week – June 1, 2015

Capital Credits are one of the benefits of being a member of a non-profit cooperative like McDonough Power Cooperative. Basically, we take the money left over at the end of the year that would be profit in an investor-owned utility (IOU) and we divide it among the members according to how much electricity they purchased […]

McDonough Power Cooperative Cares – Operation Round Up

The McDonough Power Cooperative Board of Directors decided to launch a new program called Operation Round Up. Operation Round Up collects pennies, nickels and dimes from members of the co-op family to create a reliable source of funding for organizations that assist charitable, civic and educational programs in the communities we serve.  That’s right, we have the POWER to make a difference! […]

Powering Up Haiti

When you think about the opportunity of a lifetime, you probably do not think of traveling to a place where there is no electricity. A place where kids don’t attend school when it rains, a place where there is only one location to buy ice, or you may have to wait days to get gas […]

McDonough Power Cooperative hosts 77th annual meeting

  At McDonough Power Cooperative’s 77th annual meeting Thursday, Aug. 21, members heard about their newly remodeled headquarters, updates on the replacement of a substation and how their cooperative has been supporting the community. Members also re-elected board members David Lueck of Macomb, Jeffrey N. Moore of Good Hope and Steve Youngquist of Cameron. Chairman […]

Avoid electrical dangers during harvest season

After working in a field on a neighbor’s farm, Jim Flach parked his equipment and stepped out of the vehicle. Flach received a severe electric shock that ultimately resulted in his death a few months later. His equipment was unknowingly touching an overhead power line, and he became a path to ground for an electrical […]